Pharma Nordic is a company built on medical expertise, science-based innovation and a clear commitment to society. We specialize in medicines and medical-technical products that provide safe and effective solutions to daily health challenges.
Vårt team består av leger, forskere og fagspesialister som aktivt søker nye medisinske løsninger for det nordiske markedet. Gjennom vår forretningsmodell lisensierer vi EU-godkjente produkter med dokumentert effekt og tilpasser dem til regionale behov. Dette sikrer høy kvalitet og tilgjengelighet for forbrukerne.
Pharma Nordic is not just a supplier of health products – we are a driver of change. We challenge established treatment methods and promote innovative solutions that give people better alternatives for self-treatment.
We have a clear ambition to be a leader in self-treatment in the Nordics. Our vision is to introduce medical products that fill medical gaps and provide patients with safer and more effective solutions. We want to strengthen the health skills of the population and contribute to a sustainable healthcare system where self-treatment plays a central role.
At Pharma Nordic, we must always be curious, competent, reliable and engaged. We think new, are modern and offensive, while at the same time being responsive to other perspectives. We challenge established truths and seek ever better solutions for patients. Our approach is always open, honest and focused on creating real value for those we are there for.
With a strong focus on documentation, safety and user-friendliness, we work purposefully to strengthen patients’ opportunities to take control of their own health. Through our products, we want to make a real difference in people’s lives and contribute to a more sustainable healthcare system.
© Pharma Nordic AS – All rights reserved | Nettsiden er levert av Cateno AS